Sunday 30 June 2013

Discharge meeting is tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

Looks like little T will come home Monday/Tuesday (woohoo). We can see her gorgeous face unimpeded now, as her nose tube for feeding is GONE. 

We're very excited, putting the baby hammock together, moving furniture about. Much hoovering will be done!

I'm very glad of Sparkee and Pixie's company at this time actually, they are always good company, and very loving. The time at home without Theia is l o n g. 

Cannot WAIT for Tanyapa to get here :) The sun will shine all over everything that has happened when she's here with me & T :) 

Theia does a very good paddington-bear style stare. She swings her head to the side rooting for food. Can smell milk like a bloodhound on the scent, milk from metres away evoke the wide-mouthed-sideways-root. In between having the bottle in her mouth Theia stops for a breather, and calmly and sweetly smacks her chops and looks about with a very innocent look, butter wouldn't melt look. 

Don't be fooled, she's doing a clandestine scout for more milk. She's on expressed milk, which she takes in her new bottles, made by MAM which are very high tech, they come apart to self sterilise in the microwave and all the nurses are fascinated. 

Like most babies she sometimes just gets a pensive, thoughtful look, which culminates in loud nappy business, then back to the angelic look. She's probably thinking, no one will suspect a thing. 

She had a bath the other evening, courtesy of Jaan, Iain and myself. She smells lovely with her bath stuff smell, which complements her own Theia smell. The poop/milk/hospital smell doesn't get a chance to linger. Small as she is, she's darned easy to keep clean. Theia did cry a lot, but was quiet and happy when she was in the water and while she was being shampooed. 

Discharge meeting is tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

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