Tuesday 7 May 2013

Schedule of events the story so far

Thu 2nd May - baby was moving all about, kicks and all and I could no longer ignore the tubby tummy (must be the lactose) and Ees got me a pregnancy test. Good old ASDA - £1 test strips, bith pink and pink and pink and pink ....

[Nope, my pcos is so awful I don't have cycles like other ladies, I have huge intolerances of a bunch of food, specially lactose and get a huge faux pregnancy bump often - like over the past 15 years I've had months like the past 7 in all their variety often. Plus just when my suspicions might have been roused, about the half way point or just before, I had a breast lump which I got checked out, and it was only a fibroadenoma - everything pointed to hormonal razzmatazz really, which it has been I suppose, it's just been the most improbable outcome - a baby. Go figure. Dunno why I'm blessed, it's not something I thought I'd have again. Best to just go with it though, as it is a dream come true.]

Fri evening - GP with her ancient Doppler reckoned about 4 months ... ok, so a baby about 5 years behind Jaan. Ok.

Sat morning - the midwife Ruth (what a nice woman) stopped by work (I was temping) and did my booking in forms and all that, and used a super doppler - erm ... 32-34 weeks by her count! Hang on, didn't Jaan get born at 37 weeks ...

She booked our scan and bloods and Drs appt for Tue - darned bank holiday.

We chilled out this weekend, with my mum & dad really chuffed for me.

By Monday night I was really losing my mind, cycling terribly down without most of my meds but the nice out of hours GP who looked and sounded like Celine Dion helped and we made it thru the night. BPDs a poo condition to have.

Today Jaan, Iain and I went to the Rosie at Addenbrookes (round the corner, takes me half an hour to walk there :)) for the scan & to see Charlotte Patient who's cool. I mean, whatever, she's ok, and doesn't want me to have the shittest day ever like last time. Gerald Hackett who is also at the Rosie delivered Jaan. So far no reason it won't all go normal, natural as it should, we'll await Thursday's sophisticated glucose screening and a second scan in 4 weeks - the placenta's low, but never mind, it's still possibly 29 weeks.

For the non-medical among you, dear readers, the implications are so -

The experiences midwife felt I had just under a couple of months to go, yet the experienced ultrasound lady took measurements Princess' tummy, head and hipbone I believe to estimate about 29 weeks - a little over 2 months to go. She cross checked by measuring the head as well as can be (it's not usual to try and date a foetus' size this late in the day with zero other data). This is complicated by the fact that data we do have like I'm sure I was implanting and being boring polycystic at Ee and Jaan's birthday party (Hong Kong Fooey) - and thought a kidney infection was coming - but that's not recognised data for a Dr, just for me. So judging by average ovulation data for me specifically, in optimal conditions circa 2006/7, conception would have been First week of Oct 2012 - 40 weeks from there takes us to the day after my birthday as the start of week 40 I suppose.

We're still playing give or take a week here.

Also, this week by that count is Week 31.

So, 29, 31, 32, 34 or whatever, scan shows a normal healthy baby. 

Good oh. 

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